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Families choose the Edmonds Heights Family Partnership Program for a variety of reasons.  We have traditional homeschool families who are looking for a partnership in learning, families who are seeking an alternative way of doing school, and everything in-between.  There is a place for you here at Edmonds Heights. 

Edmonds Heights K-12 (EHK12) is a public school in the Edmonds School District and an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) parent partnership program. An ALE public school is one in which some or all of the instruction is delivered outside of a regular classroom schedule. EHK12 follows all public education requirements, plus ALE requirements found in WAC 392-550.

As a parent partnership program, the parent/guardian collaborates in the education of their child(ren). At Edmonds Heights, our certificated staff partners with parents/guardians to help them create a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) that meets the public school grade level requirements and individualizes learning to the student's needs.

A student at Edmonds Heights participates in learning in (3) ways:

  • Parent/guardian led learning

  • Workshops

  • Certificated teacher classes.  *Note: Certificated teacher instruction makes up a portion of a child’s overall learning plan as detailed in the WSLP. The expectation is that parents/guardians are providing home-based learning.

Edmonds Heights partners with the parent/guardian educator in a number of ways:

  • Certificated teachers who:

    • Provide classes that support grade level learning standards

    • Provide expertise in helping to make curriculum choices

    • Advise in the development of a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)

    • Monitor ALE guidelines compliance, including weekly contact, and adequate monthly progress

  • Workshop classes taught by community members

  • Facilitating community-building opportunities for families engaged in parent/guardian-led learning at home

  • Equipping parent/guardian primary educators through

    • Family Engagement - Trish Allen and Amy Hiebel are our Family Engagement Coordinators. They lead tours and on-board new families into our program

    • Curriculum Resource Center 

The parent/guardian educator partners with EHK12 by:

  • Meeting with a Family Engagement Coordinator

  • Implementing your student’s Written Student Learning Plan that was collaboratively created with a certificated staff advisor

  • Updating the WSLP monthly to show your child(ren)’s monthly progress

  • Maintaining weekly contact with a certificated teacher

  • Being present on campus with your child(ren) K - 5th grades

  • Enrollment Details/School Tours